Monday Jun 26, 2017
Episode 43: Gifts of Imperfection
Monday Jun 26, 2017
Monday Jun 26, 2017
“Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we be able to discover the infinite power of our light.” - Dr. Brene Brown
Brene Brown's 2010 TED talk, "The Power of Vulnerability," is one of the 10 most viewed TED talks online. Brown stumbled into the idea of Wholehearted living as part of her social research on how shame impacts the way people live. She experienced what she refers to as her breakdown/ spiritual awakening.
In Episode 43 of the Brew Theology Podcast, Ryan, Janel, Meghan, Robb & Stef dive into some vulnerable dialogue dealing with courage, compassion and connection. What does it look like to cultivate a life of authenticity, self-compassion, a resilient spirit, gratitude and joy, intuition and trusting faith, calmness/ stillness, and meaningful work along with laughter, song and dance?
This show is brought to you by Call To Arms Brewing Company. If you dig this episode and/or other Brew Theology shows, give this episode a share on the interwebs, rate Brew Theology on iTunes and give BT a brewtastic review! Head over to the Brew Theology website, www.brewtheology.org to become a local partner, sponsor or contributor. Questions & inquiries about Brew Theology, the alliance/network, Denver community or podcast, contact Ryan Miller: ryan@brewtheology.org &/ or janel@brewtholeogy.org.
P.S. We are hosting Homebrewed Christianity's Tripp Fuller and philosopher Peter Rollins in Denver on August 18-19. Head over to www.theologybeercamp.com to get info and tix.
P.P.S. We will be at The Wild Goose Festival in Hot Springs, NC on July 13-16. We'd love to meet you there.
Follow us on Facebook & Instagram (@brewtheology) & Twitter (@brew_theology)
Brew Theology swag HERE. T-shirts, tanks, hoodies, V-neck's, women's, etc. all in multiple colors
*If you have time to do only one thing to prep for this podcast discussion, please watch the following talk: https://www.ted.com/talks/brene_brown_on_vulnerability?language=en
Tuesday Jun 20, 2017
Episode 42: Show Me The $$$: Economic Justice
Tuesday Jun 20, 2017
Tuesday Jun 20, 2017
From the Neolithic Revolution (the period in which Hunter-Gatherer proto-societies began domesticating crops and livestock) leading all the way to the present, the political, theological, andeconomic spheres of life have almost always been inseparably entwined with one another. This has proved at times to be incredibly helpful for those who control land and resources, while simultaneously being the cause of great pain and oppression for marginalized communities.
What do you see as the current relationship between our religious, political, and economic leaders? What is different between the structuring of the Egyptian and Roman Empires, and our current political/religious/economic context here in the US?
This is Episode 42 of the Brew Theology Podcast. Mad props to Andy Millman for cranking out this great content. This show is brought to you by Call To Arms Brewing Company. If you dig this episode and/or other Brew Theology shows, give this episode a share, rate Brew Theology on iTunes and give BT a brewtastic review!
P.S. We are hosting Homebrewed Christianity's Tripp Fuller and philosopher Peter Rollins in Denver on August 18-19. Head over to www.theologybeercamp.com to get info and tix.
P.P.S. We will be at The Wild Goose Festival in Hot Springs, NC on July 13-16. We'd love to meet you there.
Follow us on Facebook & Instagram (@brewtheology) & Twitter (@brew_theology) Head over to the Brew Theology website, www.brewtheology.org to become a local partner, sponsor or contributor. Questions & inquiries about Brew Theology, the alliance/network, Denver community or podcast, contact Ryan Miller: ryan@brewtheology.org &/ or janel@brewtholeogy.org.
Brew Theology swag HERE. T-shirts, tanks, hoodies, V-neck's, women's, etc. all in multiple colors
Sunday Jun 11, 2017
Episode 41: Romans as Resistance Part 2 with Rev. Anne Dunlap
Sunday Jun 11, 2017
Sunday Jun 11, 2017
Part Deux.... "Do not be conformed to this world..." (Ro. 12:2) Is it possible we've gotten Romans all wrong? What if Romans was meant to be heard as resistance against Empire? Come take a listen, and better grasp how such a reading from Paul's letter to the Romans can help us in our resistance against Empire today. "Fierce Rev" Anne Dunlap pumps up the volume and brings her voice of resistance on Episode 41 of the Brew Theology Podcast. This is Part 2 with Dunlap.
This show is brought to you by Grandma's House Brewery. If you dig this episode and/or other Brew Theology shows, give this episode a share, rate Brew Theology on iTunes and give BT a brewtastic review!
P.S. We are hosting Homebrewed Christianity's Tripp Fuller and philosopher Peter Rollins in Denver on August 18-19. Head over to www.theologybeercamp.com to get info and tix.
P.P.S. We will be at The Wild Goose Festival in Hot Springs, NC on July 13-16. We'd love to meet you there.
Follow us on Facebook & Instagram (@brewtheology) & Twitter (@brew_theology) Head over to the Brew Theology website, www.brewtheology.org to become a local partner, sponsor or contributor. Questions & inquiries about Brew Theology, the alliance/network, Denver community or podcast, contact Ryan Miller: ryan@brewtheology.org &/ or janel@brewtholeogy.org.
Brew Theology swag HERE. T-shirts, tanks, hoodies, V-neck's, women's, etc. all in multiple colors
*Rev. Anne Dunlap is an ordained United Church of Christ minister serving as Community Minister for Racial Justice and Solidarity in the Denver, CO area and is a member of the United Church of Montbello. She also works with Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ). Rev. Dunlap is committed to the work of justice and collective liberation, working in freedom movements with folks across race, gender, and class lines for over 25 years, with a particular passion for solidarity with black, immigrant, worker, and indigenous communities. She was named Outstanding Alumna in 2011 from the Iliff School of Theology, where she also serves as adjunct faculty. You might also find her herbcrafting, hiking, watching birds, doing chores at her friend’s goat farm, watching baseball, enjoying opera, hanging out with friends, and enjoying life with her beloved of 22 years and their kitty. Check out her website at fiercerevremedies.com
Monday Jun 05, 2017
Episode 40: Romans As Resistance with Rev. Anne Dunlap
Monday Jun 05, 2017
Monday Jun 05, 2017
"Do not be conformed to this world..." (Ro. 12:2) Is it possible we've gotten Romans all wrong? What if Romans was meant to be heard as resistance against Empire? Come take a listen, and better grasp how such a reading from Paul's letter to the Romans can help us in our resistance against Empire today. "Fierce Rev" Anne Dunlap pumps up the volume and brings her voice of resistance on Episode 40 of the Brew Theologhy Podcast. This is Part 1 of 2 with Dunlap.
This show is brought to you by Grandma's House Brewery. If you dig this episode and/or other Brew Theology shows, give this episode a share, rate Brew Theology on iTunes and give BT a brewtastic review!
P.S. We are hosting Homebrewed Christianity's Tripp Fuller and philosopher Peter Rollins in Denver on August 18-19. Head over to www.theologybeercamp.com to get info and tix.
P.P.S. We will be at The Wild Goose Festival in Hot Springs, NC on July 13-16. We'd love to meet you there.
Follow us on Facebook & Instagram (@brewtheology) & Twitter (@brew_theology) Head over to the Brew Theology website, www.brewtheology.org to become a local partner, sponsor or contributor. Questions & inquiries about Brew Theology, the alliance/network, Denver community or podcast, contact Ryan Miller: ryan@brewtheology.org &/ or janel@brewtholeogy.org.
Brew Theology swag HERE. T-shirts, tanks, hoodies, V-neck's, women's, etc. all in multiple colors
*Rev. Anne Dunlap is an ordained United Church of Christ minister serving as Community Minister for Racial Justice and Solidarity in the Denver, CO area and is a member of the United Church of Montbello. She also works with Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ). Rev. Dunlap is committed to the work of justice and collective liberation, working in freedom movements with folks across race, gender, and class lines for over 25 years, with a particular passion for solidarity with black, immigrant, worker, and indigenous communities. She was named Outstanding Alumna in 2011 from the Iliff School of Theology, where she also serves as adjunct faculty. You might also find her herbcrafting, hiking, watching birds, doing chores at her friend’s goat farm, watching baseball, enjoying opera, hanging out with friends, and enjoying life with her beloved of 22 years and their kitty. Check out her website at fiercerevremedies.com
Tuesday May 30, 2017
Episode 39: Holy Grub: Food & Religion
Tuesday May 30, 2017
Tuesday May 30, 2017
In Episode 39 of the Brew Theology Podcast, Holy Grub is served. Janel, Andy, Meghan & Liz brew up an always relvant topic: food and religion. Food and Religion are routinely interwoven into the fabric of cultures. Far from being separate entities, a religion’s perspective of, use of, and beliefs about food and consumption help define norms, practices, and habits surrounding eating, and manifest in a wide range of practices around the world. For instance, Hindu’s reverence of cows helped shape an entire culture of people who revere and protect cattle, often leading to violent cultural clashes between local Muslims for whom cow is one of the few halal – or allowable – types of meat in which to eat. Or, for instance, take the Catholic observance of Lent, which for devotees, encourages an abstinence from red meat at times, while also employing an elaborate metaphor (or is it?) about eating and drinking the flesh and blood of their savior.
All of this and so much more...
This show is brought to you by Boggy Draw Brewery. If you dig this episode and/or other Brew Theology shows, give this episode a share, rate Brew Theology on iTunes and give BT a brewtastic review!
P.S. We are hosting Homebrewed Christianity's Tripp Fuller and philosopher Peter Rollins in Denver on August 18-19. Head over to www.theologybeercamp.com to get info and tix.
P.P.S. We will be at The Wild Goose Festival in Hot Springs, NC on July 13-16. We'd love to meet you there.
Follow us on Facebook & Instagram (@brewtheology) & Twitter (@brew_theology) Head over to the Brew Theology website, www.brewtheology.org to become a local partner, sponsor or contributor. Questions & inquiries about Brew Theology, the alliance/network, Denver community or podcast, contact Ryan Miller: ryan@brewtheology.org &/ or janel@brewtholeogy.org.
Brew Theology swag HERE. T-shirts, tanks, hoodies, V-neck's, women's, etc. all in multiple colors
Monday May 22, 2017
Episode 38: "Atonement Theories" Part 2
Monday May 22, 2017
Monday May 22, 2017
In episode 38 of the Brew Theology podcast, Ryan, Dan, Alex, Brian and Adam continue the conversation on Atonement Theories. This show is brought to you by Seedstock Brewery. If you like this episode and/or other Brew Theology shows, give this episode a share, rate Brew Theology on iTunes and give BT a brewtastic review!
So, what’s atonement? Hit up part 1 (ep. 37) for the intro.
In Part 1 - episode 37 we covered the following:
- Satisfaction & Penal Substitutionary Theories
and man other rabbit trails...
We spend some time on the rest: Ransom Theory/ Christus Victor, Solidarity, Moral Exemplar, Oneness and The Last Scpaegoat on this episode.
P.S. We are hosting Homebrewed Christianity's Tripp Fuller and philosopher Peter Rollins in Denver on August 18-19. Head over to www.theologybeercamp.com to get info and tix.
P.P.S. We will be at The Wild Goose Festival in Hot Springs, NC on July 13-16. We'd love to meet you there.
Follow us on Facebook & Instagram (@brewtheology) & Twitter (@brew_theology) Head over to the Brew Theology website, www.brewtheology.org to become a local partner, sponsor or contributor. Questions & inquiries about Brew Theology, the alliance/network, Denver community or podcast, contact Ryan Miller: ryan@brewtheology.org &/ or janel@brewtholeogy.org.
Brew Theology swag HERE. T-shirts, tanks, hoodies, V-neck's, women's, etc. all in multiple colors
Monday May 15, 2017
Episode 37: Atonement Theories Part 1
Monday May 15, 2017
Monday May 15, 2017
In episode 37 of the Brew Theology podcast, Ryan, Dan, Alex, Brian and Adam brew up the topic, "Atonement Theories." This is Part 1 of 2 episodes. This show is brought to you by Seedstock Brewery. If you dig this episode and/or other Brew Theology shows, give this episode a share, rate Brew Theology on iTunes and give BT a brewtastic review!
So, what’s atonement?
Maybe you’ve heard it best understood by the English, “At – ONE – ment”… meaning humanity being at “one” with the divine ONE! This is a good place to start. I’d add the original Hebrew, “Kaphar,” which is where we get the word, “atone,” literally meaning, “to cover.” This comes from the covering of Israel’s sins on the Day of Atonement (Leviticus 16). Next, theories of Atonement are explanations from scholars over the past 2,000 years who have tired to explain the mystery of what happened to Jesus and this world: past, present and future on the cross!
Many Christians have been taught (Or it’s simply been infused into modern, Western Christianity through sermons and worship songs) only one popular atonement theory. Interestingly, when one does the research, we find that this popular theory wasn’t even in existence within the first 1,000 years of Christianity. Theories are sincere, speculative explanations based on subjective opinions, involving careful intelligence in academia, experience in real time, historical criticism, and a community of good 'ole fashioned “butt kickers."
In episodes 37 and 38, we cover the following:
- Ransom Captive
- Union With God
- Satisfaction
- Penal Substitution
- Christus Victor
- Moral Exemplar
- The Last Scapegoat
- God's Solidarity
P.S. Remember we are hosting Homebrewed Christianity's Tripp Fuller and philosopher Peter Rollins in Denver on August 18-19. Head over to www.theologybeercamp.com to get info and tix.
P.P.S. We will be at The Wild Goose Festival in Hot Springs, NC on July 13-16. We'd love to meet you there.
Follow us on Facebook & Instagram (@brewtheology) & Twitter (@brew_theology) Head over to the Brew Theology website, www.brewtheology.org to become a local partner, sponsor or contributor. Questions & inquiries about Brew Theology, the alliance/network, Denver community or podcast, contact Ryan Miller: ryan@brewtheology.org &/ or janel@brewtholeogy.org.
Brew Theology swag HERE. T-shirts, tanks, hoodies, V-neck's, women's, etc. all in multiple colors
Tuesday May 09, 2017
Episode 36: "Secret Societies"
Tuesday May 09, 2017
Tuesday May 09, 2017
What secret societies are you familiar with? What do you think is the purpose of maintaining secrecy (of vows, practice, membership, etc.)? What might be some benefits to membership in a secret society today? What might motivate someone to join? How much impact do you think secret societies have had or currently have around the world? In episode 36 of the Brew Theology podcast, Ryan, Katie, Craig & Janel brew up the topic, "Secret Societies." Enjoy the pracitcal rabbit trails this topic provides... This show is brought to you by Fermaentra Brewing Co. If you like this episode and/or other Brew Theology shows, give this episode a share, rate Brew Theology on iTunes and give BT a brewtastic review!
P.S. Remember we are hosting Homebrewed Christianity's Tripp Fuller and philosopher Peter Rollins in Denver on August 18-19. Head over to www.theologybeercamp.com to get info and tix.
P.P.S. We will be at The Wild Goose Festival in Hot Springs, NC on July 13-16. We'd love to meet you there.
Follow us on Facebook & Instagram (@brewtheology) & Twitter (@brew_theology) Head over to the Brew Theology website, www.brewtheology.org to become a local partner, sponsor or contributor. Questions & inquiries about Brew Theology, the alliance/network, Denver community or podcast, contact Ryan Miller: ryan@brewtheology.org &/ or janel@brewtholeogy.org.
Brew Theology swag HERE. T-shirts, tanks, hoodies, V-neck's, women's, etc. all in multiple colors
Monday May 01, 2017
Episode 35: "Co-Create: Theology in Process" Part 2 with Dr. Jason Whitehead
Monday May 01, 2017
Monday May 01, 2017
Here's part 2 with more process thought with Dr. Jason Whitehead. Jason is the Director of Consultation and Formation at Iliff School of Theology. He has served in pastoral roles for congregations in South Carolina, Virginia, and Colorado. Jason is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Minister in the Presbyterian Church (USA), and Senior Adjunct Professor of Pastoral Care at Iliff. He is the author of Redeeming Fear: A Constructive Theology for Living into Hope, as well as other articles relating to practical theology. Ryan, Liz, Stephen, Dan & Janel get to be a part of this fun conversation. Episode 35 of the Brew Theology Podcast is brought to you by Declaration Brewing Co. If you dig this episode and other Brew Theology shows, give this episode a share, rate Brew Theology on iTunes and give BT a brewtastic review!
P.S. We're hosting Homebrewed Christianity's Tripp Fuller and philosopher Peter Rollins in Denver on August 18-19. Head over to www.theologybeercamp.com to get info and tix.
Follow us on Facebook & Instagram (@brewtheology) & Twitter (@brew_theology) Head over to the Brew Theology website, www.brewtheology.org to become a local partner, sponsor or contributor. Questions & inquiries about Brew Theology, the alliance/network, Denver community or podcast, contact Ryan Miller: ryan@brewtheology.org &/ or janel@brewtholeogy.org.
Brew Theology swag HERE. T-shirts, tanks, hoodies, V-neck's, women's, etc. all in multiple colors
Monday Apr 24, 2017
Episode 34: "Co-Create: Theology In Process" Pt. 1 with Dr. Jason Whitehead
Monday Apr 24, 2017
Monday Apr 24, 2017
It's time we talk some process and bring in Dr. Jason Whitehead who provides an introductory conversation regarding process theology in praxis. Jason is the Director of Consultation and Formation at Iliff School of Theology. He has served in pastoral roles for congregations in South Carolina, Virginia, and Colorado. Jason is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Minister in the Presbyterian Church (USA), and Senior Adjunct Professor of Pastoral Care at Iliff. He is the author of Redeeming Fear: A Constructive Theology for Living into Hope, as well as other articles relating to practical theology. Ryan, Liz, Stephen, Dan & Janel get to be a part of this fun conversation. Episode 34 of the Brew Theology Podcast is brought to you by Declaration Brewing Co. If you dig this episode and other Brew Theology shows, give this episode a share, rate Brew Theology on iTunes and give BT a brewtastic review!
P.S. We're hosting Homebrewed Christianity's Tripp Fuller and philosopher Peter Rollins in Denver on August 18-19. Head over to www.theologybeercamp.com to get info and tix.
Follow us on Facebook & Instagram (@brewtheology) & Twitter (@brew_theology) Head over to the Brew Theology website, www.brewtheology.org to become a local partner, sponsor or contributor. Questions & inquiries about Brew Theology, the alliance/network, Denver community or podcast, contact Ryan Miller: ryan@brewtheology.org &/ or janel@brewtholeogy.org.
Brew Theology swag HERE. T-shirts, tanks, hoodies, V-neck's, women's, etc. all in multiple colors